Contact us
Saber Direito offers face-to-face legal advice to immigrants in Zurich once a month at a special price of CHF 60.-
for up to 30 minutes (direct online-booking will be available soon; please use the contact form until further notice).
For urgent cases or other appointment requests (CHF 100.- up to 30 minutes), please use the contact form
or contact us on +41 78 705 84 00 (also possible via WhatsApp).
Emergency numbers in Switzerland:
Police 117
Ambulance 144
Fire department 118
Emergency service, medical telephone 044 421 21 21
Toxicology center, information on toxic substances 145
Violetta women's home 044 291 08 70
Emergency number for parents 044 261 88 66
Emergency number for children and young people 147
Consulates of Brazil in Switzerland: Genéve +41 22 906 94 20 / Zürich +41 44 206 90 20
Consulate of Portugal in Switzerland: Zürich +41 44 200 30 40 / Le Grand-Saconnex +41 22 791 76 36 / Bern +41 31 351 17 73